Mens Group
The second Tuesday of each month men from Grace and St. Thomas meet for lunch and fellowship at a local restaurant. We have also taken on a community service project to maintain Moylan Rd by picking up trash and litter. All men are welcome and encouraged to join us!
Community Service
Grace Episcopal Church works with a local Faith Based Community Resource Center providing resources for men and women post incarceration, post PTSD, post Hurricane Michael and anyone experiencing trauma and needing help. A New Day provides resources for housing and jobs, as well as physical, mental and spiritual support.
Friendly folks are always welcome to greet people as they arrive, hand out service leaflets, assist in seating, and collect offerings. This is a great and easy way to serve, and to get to know our members and guests.
Reader and Prayer Leader
People from the congregation assist the priest by the reading of scripture and leading prescribed prayers contained in the Prayer Book. Great public speaking skills are not necessary. Only a desire to be involved and serve.
Acolyte and Chalice Bearer
Acolytes assist the priest by carrying in a cross at the beginning and end of the service, lighting candles and helping during the service. Chalice bearers assist the priest by dispensing the cup of wine to people during the communion part of the service.
Altar and Flower Guild
This ministry involves providing flowers for Sunday service and for helping to prepare the altar before the service and clearing and putting away sacramental vessels after the service. This ministry is open to both men and women.
Vestry/Board of Directors
Our vestry or board of directors have the responsibility for the day to day operations of the church as well as being involved in working with the priest on spiritual enrichment opportunities and worship planning.
Building and Grounds
Able bodied individuals are always welcome to help with the many small tasks and jobs needed to keep our facilities in shape. A member of our vestry known as the Junior Warden is the primary responsible for coordinating these efforts.